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How long do steel garage doors typically last?

10-15 years
15-20 years
20-25 years
It varies based on geography and climate
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Question: How long do steel garage doors typically last?
Top Answer (39% of 43 votes): It varies based on geography and climate.

Answer: 10-15 years
Explanation: Depending on usage
Flawless Garages
Answer: It varies based on geography and climate
Explanation: Here in Las Vegas, a garage door should last at least 15- 20 years without fading based on the direction your door faces. For example, if your door has constant sun you may need to replace your door soon rather than later due to our harsh sun.
United Garage Door
Answer: It varies based on geography and climate
Explanation: Salt can damage
Answer: 10-15 years
Explanation: *This is totally dependant on how the consumer uses and cares for the door. The maintenance, balance, & usage will dictate the lifespan of any garage door.
Always Open Garage Door Services
Answer: 10-15 years
Explanation: Quality made
Neighborhood Garage Door plus
Answer: It varies based on geography and climate
Explanation: Geography and climate are two big reasons the timing varies but there are many other contributing factors. Such as, brand quality, quality of installation, maintenance and of course the amount of use. However most people have 5-10 yrs with no issues and usually keep a door for 10-20 before changing it completely.
A Plus 1 doors and Service
Answer: 10-15 years
Explanation: Most doors will last 10-15 years if taken care of properly.
Proline Garage Doors of Atlanta
Answer: It varies based on geography and climate
Explanation: Area next to ocean would determine faster
C&D construction services
Answer: 15-20 years
Explanation: Most manufacturers warranty their new garage doors for about three years. Still, you can probably expect yours to last at least 15 or 20 years. That said, a study by Harvard University estimates that the average home is 34 years old. So if you have never replaced your garage door, it’s probably time.
ACS Overhead Doors LLC
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